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  • The project was designed to explore biological rhythms in the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. The experiment provides the first high-resolution temporal transcriptomes of an hydrothermal species, both in situ and in the laboratory.

  • The ABYSS project aims at describing deep-sea benthic biodiversity spanning several branches of the tree of life with eDNA metabarcoding tools. To accommodate both micro- and macro biologists, we designed a bioinformatic pipeline based on Illumina read correction with Dada2 allowing analysing metabarcodes from prokaryotic and eukaryotic life compartments.

  • We explored the whole digestive gland transcriptome in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas using Illumina sequencing technology and compare the expression patterns obtained in: i) oysters exposed experimentally at environmentally-realistic concentration to Alexandrium minutum Daoulas1257 strain isolated from the Bay of Brest in France producing only PSTs; ii) AM89BM strain, isolated from the Bay of Morlaix in France producing both PSTs and BECs; iii) CCMI1002 strain, isolated from Irish waters producing only BECs; and iv) control oysters fed with the non-toxic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa triquetra.