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  • Seasonal TRIX estimates for the Mediterranean Sea for the past 10 years, from sea surface datasets of TRIX-related variables and simultaneously recorded.

  • '''DEFINITION''' The OMI_EXTREME_SST_NORTHWESTSHELF_sst_mean_and_anomaly_obs indicator is based on the computation of the 99th and the 1st percentiles from in situ data (observations). It is computed for the variable sea surface temperature measured by in situ buoys at depths between 0 and 5 meters. The use of percentiles instead of annual maximum and minimum values, makes this extremes study less affected by individual data measurement errors. The percentiles are temporally averaged, and the spatial evolution is displayed, jointly with the anomaly in the target year. This study of extreme variability was first applied to sea level variable (Pérez Gómez et al 2016) and then extended to other essential variables, sea surface temperature and significant wave height (Pérez Gómez et al 2018). '''CONTEXT''' Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the essential ocean variables affected by climate change (mean SST trends, SST spatial and interannual variability, and extreme events). In Europe, several studies show warming trends in mean SST for the last years (von Schuckmann, 2016; IPCC, 2021, 2022). An exception seems to be the North Atlantic, where, in contrast, anomalous cold conditions have been observed since 2014 (Mulet et al., 2018; Dubois et al. 2018; IPCC 2021, 2022). Extremes may have a stronger direct influence in population dynamics and biodiversity. According to Alexander et al. 2018 the observed warming trend will continue during the 21st Century and this can result in exceptionally large warm extremes. Monitoring the evolution of sea surface temperature extremes is, therefore, crucial. The North-West Self area comprises part of the North Atlantic, where this refreshing trend has been observed, and the North Sea, where a warming trend has been taking place in the last three decades (e.g. Høyer and Karagali, 2016). '''KEY FINDINGS''' The mean 99th percentiles showed in the area present a range from 14ºC in the Northwest of the British Isles, 18ºC in the English Channel to 20-21ºC around Denmark (Helgoland Bight, Skagerrak and Kattegat Seas). The standard deviation ranges from 0.5ºC in the English Channel and 0.8in the Northwest of the British Isles to 1.0 in the buoys around Denmark, reaching 3ºC in Helgoland Bight. Results for this year show either positive (+1ºC) or negative (-0.1) anomalies around their corresponding standard deviation in all the area, except in Hornbaek station in the South of Kattegat Sea where the positive anomaly reaches +2.0ºC, over the 1.3ºC of standard deviation, in concordance with the positive anomalies found in the Zealand Region in the Baltic OMI. '''DOI (product):''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00274

  • This map presents all layers corresponding to "Beverage serving activities" activities in the Atlantic area. For more information about this NACE code : https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index.cfm?TargetUrl=DSP_NOM_DTL_VIEW&StrNom=NACE_REV2&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntPcKey=18514154&IntKey=18514184&StrLayoutCode=HIERARCHIC&IntCurrentPage=1 Indicators collected are : Number of persons employed and number of employees in full time equivalent units per NUTS 3 unit of the Atlantic Area Number of establishments per NUTS3 unit of the Atlantic Area

  • L'État a confié à l'IGN le développement du référentiel à grande échelle (RGE). Pour ce faire, il fait appel à ses moyens propres ainsi qu’à des partenariats avec des producteurs principalement de la sphère publique. Le RGE est constitué de 5 composantes: - orthophotographique (BD ORTHO), - topographique (BD TOPO), - adresse (BD adresse), - parcellaire (BD parcellaire) - et altimétrique (RGE ALTI). Remarque : seules les BD TOPO thème hydrographique, BD ORTHO 5m, BD ORTHO 50 cm sont sous Licence Ouverte. Les autres données du RGE sont soumises aux licences IGN. ----- Etat de la disponibilité de la donnée (sous Licence Ouverte): - Data.gouv : les BD TOPO thème hydrographique, BD ORTHO 5m, BD ORTHO 50 cm (pour certains départements) sont accessibles sous format shape, xml et htlm. Mise à jour irrégulière. - PIGMA : données BD ORTHO 50 cm (2015) et BD TOPO v2.2 (2016) accessibles au format shape sous licence IGN. Aucune mise à jour. - Géocatalogue : données BD ORTHO v2 (2013) au format Tif et BD TOPO v2.1 (2015) au format shape, MIF/MID accessibles sous licence IGN. Aucune mise à jour. - IGN : renvoi direct au site IGN où les données sont téléchargeables au format JPEG et shape sous licence IGN. Mise à jour irrégulière.

  • The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) - 2018" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon more than 9400 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 49 data providers from 24 countries riparian to European seas. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included derived from Landsat 8 satellite images. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in September 2018 contained > 27.000 survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. The Composite DTMs can be discovered through the Sextant Catalogue service. Both discovery services make use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal (https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/en/bathymetry#bathymetry-services ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer (https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/geoviewer/ ) gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters) • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: EMO, EMO (without GEBCO data), ESRI ASCII, ESRI ASCII Mean Sea Level, XYZ, NetCDF (CF), RGB GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.

  • Key physico-chemical parameters (salinity, temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen) were measured in surface water during longitudinal transects in the Loire and Gironde estuaries in summers 2017 and 2018. This objective of this work was to determine the distribution of the dissolved oxygen and to detect potential severe desoxygenation. The transects were scheduled in order to begin the measurements at high tide from a site located upstream of an area where severe deoxygenation have been already been reported. Then, the transect was realised by sailing at low speed downstream with a multiparameter probe SAMBAT, maintained at 0.5 m below the surface, that collected a measurement every 2 minutes.