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  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description :''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Chlorophyll-a''' and '''Optics''' products [1997 - present] based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * '''Chlorophyll and Bio''' products refer to Chlorophyll-a, Primary Production (PP) and Phytoplankton Functional types (PFT). Products are based on a multi sensors/algorithms approach to provide to end-users the best estimate. Two dailies Chlorophyll-a products are distributed: ** one limited to the daily observations (called L3), ** the other based on a space-time interpolation: the '''"Cloud Free"''' (called L4). * '''Optics''' products refer to Reflectance (RRS), Suspended Matter (SPM), Particulate Backscattering (BBP), Secchi Transparency Depth (ZSD), Diffuse Attenuation (KD490) and Absorption Coef. (ADG/CDM). * The spatial resolution is 4 km. For Chlorophyll, a 1 km over the Atlantic (46°W-13°E , 20°N-66°N) is also available for the '''Cloud Free''' product, plus a 300m Global coastal product (OLCI S3A & S3B merged). *Products (Daily, Monthly and Climatology) are based on the merging of the sensors SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP&JPSS1, OLCI-S3A&S3B. Additional products using only OLCI upstreams are also delivered. * Recent products are organized in datasets called NRT (Near Real Time) and long time-series in datasets called REP/MY (Multi-Years). The NRT products are provided one day after satellite acquisition and updated a few days after in Delayed Time (DT) to provide a better quality. An uncertainty is given at pixel level for all products. To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. See [ QUID document] for a detailed description and assessment. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''DEFINITION''' The global annual chlorophyll anomaly is computed by subtracting a reference climatology (1997-2014) from the annual chlorophyll mean, on a pixel-by-pixel basis and in log10 space. Both the annual mean and the climatology are computed employing ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (ESA OC-CCI, Sathyendranath et al., 2018a) global products (i.e. using the standard OC-CCI chlorophyll algorithms, OCI) as distributed by CMEMS. '''CONTEXT''' Phytoplankton – and chlorophyll concentration as a proxy for phytoplankton – respond rapidly to changes in their physical environment. Some of those changes are seasonal and are determined by light and nutrient availability (Racault et al., 2012). By comparing annual mean values to a climatology, we effectively remove the seasonal signal, while retaining information on potential events during the year. Chlorophyll anomalies can be correlated to climate indexes in particular regions, such as the ENSO index in the equatorial Pacific (Behrenfeld et al. 2006; Racault et al., 2012) and the IOD index in the Indian Ocean (Brewin et al., 2012). It is important to study chlorophyll anomalies in consonance with sea surface temperature and sea level anomalies, as increases in chlorophyll are generally consistent with decreases in SST and sea level anomalies, suggesting an increase in mixing and vertical nutrient transport (von Schuckmann et al., 2016). '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' The average global chlorophyll anomaly 2019 is -0.02 log10(mg m-3), with a maximum value of 1.7 log10(mg m-3) and a minimum value of -3.2 log10(mg m-3). That is to say that, in average, the annual 2019 mean value is slightly lower (96%) than the 1997-2014 climatological value. The positive signals reported in 2016 and 2017 (Sathyendranath et al., 2018b) in the southern Pacific Ocean could still be observed in the 2019 map, while the significant negative anomalies in the tropical waters of the northern Pacific Ocean were also detected to a lesser extent. Areas showing a change of anomaly sign from 2019 include the southern coast of Japan (no anomaly to positive) and the tropical Atlantic (anomalies close to zero for 2019). A marked increase in chlorophyll concentration was observed during 2019 in the Great Australian Bight, while negative anomalies became stronger in the Guatemala Basin and the region south of the Gulf of Guinea and, with values of chlorophyll reaching as low as 30% of the climatological value (anomaly < -0.5 log10(mg m-3)). The persistent positive anomalies in the higher latitudes of the North Atlantic (> 40°) match the cooling observed in the 2018 and previous years SST anomaly maps.

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' This RRS product is defined as the ratio of upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance at 412, 443, 490, 510, 560 and 665 nm wavebands (corresponding to MERIS), and can also be expressed as the ratio of normalized water leaving Radiance (nLw) and the extra-terrestrial solar irradiance (F0). The ESA Climate Change Initiative is a 2-part programme aiming to produce “climate quality” merged data records from multiple sensors. The Ocean Colour project within this programme has a primary focus on chlorophyll in open oceans, using the highest quality Rrs merging process to date. This uses a combination of bandshifting to a reference sensor and temporally-weighted bias correction to align independent sensors into a coherent and minimally-biased set of reflectances. These are derived from level 2 data produced by SeaDAS l2gen (SeaWiFS) and Polymer (MODIS, VIIRS, MERIS and OLCI-3A) , and the resulting Rrs bias corrected. '''Processing information:''' ESA-CCI Rrs raw data are provided by Plymouth Marine Laboratory, currently at 4km resolution. These are processed to produce CMEMS representations using the same in-house software as in the operational processing. The entire CCI data set is consistent and processing is done in one go. Both OC CCI and the REP product are versioned. Standard masking criteria for detecting clouds or other contamination factors have been applied during the generation of the Rrs, i.e., land, cloud, sun glint, atmospheric correction failure, high total radiance, large solar zenith angle (70deg), large spacecraft zenith angle (56deg), coccolithophores, negative water leaving radiance, and normalized water leaving radiance at 560 nm 0.15 Wm-2 sr-1 (McClain et al., 1995). For the regional products, a variant of the OC-CCI chain is run to produce high resolution data at the 1km resolution necessary. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''DEFINITION''' The OMI_CLIMATE_SST_BAL_area_averaged_anomalies product includes time series of monthly mean SST anomalies over the period 1993-2022, relative to the 1993-2014 climatology, averaged for the Baltic Sea. The SST Level 4 analysis products that provide the input to the monthly averages are taken from the reprocessed product SST_BAL_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_016 with a recent update to include 2022. The product has a spatial resolution of 0.02 in latitude and longitude. The OMI time series runs from Jan 1, 1993 to December 31, 2022 and is constructed by calculating monthly averages from the daily level 4 SST analysis fields of the SST_BAL_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_016 product from 1993 to 2022. See the Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Reports (section 1.1 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2016; section 3 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2018) for more information on the OMI product. '''CONTEXT''' Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is an Essential Climate Variable (GCOS) that is an important input for initialising numerical weather prediction models and fundamental for understanding air-sea interactions and monitoring climate change (GCOS 2010). The Baltic Sea is a region that requires special attention regarding the use of satellite SST records and the assessment of climatic variability (Høyer and She 2007; Høyer and Karagali 2016). The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed basin with natural variability and it is influenced by large-scale atmospheric processes and by the vicinity of land. In addition, the Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish seas in the world. When analysing regional-scale climate variability, all these effects have to be considered, which requires dedicated regional and validated SST products. Satellite observations have previously been used to analyse the climatic SST signals in the North Sea and Baltic Sea (BACC II Author Team 2015; Lehmann et al. 2011). Recently, Høyer and Karagali (2016) demonstrated that the Baltic Sea had warmed 1-2 oC from 1982 to 2012 considering all months of the year and 3-5 oC when only July-September months were considered. This was corroborated in the Ocean State Reports (section 1.1 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2016; section 3 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2018). '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' The basin-average trend of SST anomalies for Baltic Sea region amounts to 0.048±0.006°C/year over the period 1993-2022 which corresponds to an average warming of 1.44°C. Adding the North Sea area, the average trend amounts to 0.029±0.003°C/year over the same period, which corresponds to an average warming of 0.87°C for the entire region since 1993. '''Figure caption''' Time series of monthly mean (turquoise line) and annual mean (blue line) of sea surface temperature anomalies for January 1993 to December 2022, relative to the 1993-2014 mean, combined for the Baltic Sea and North Sea SST (OMI_CLIMATE_SST_BAL_area_averaged_anomalies). The data are based on the multi-year Baltic Sea L4 satellite SST reprocessed product SST_BAL_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_016. '''DOI (product):'''

  • "''Short description:''' The IBI-MFC provides a high-resolution ocean analysis and forecast product (daily run by Nologin with the support of CESGA in terms of supercomputing resources), covering the European waters, and more specifically the Iberia–Biscay–Ireland (IBI) area. The last 2 years before now (historic best estimates) as well as forecasts of different temporal resolutions with a horizon of 5 days (updated on a daily basis) are available on the catalogue. The system is based on a eddy-resolving NEMO model application at 1/36º horizontal resolution, being Mercator-Ocean in charge of the model code development. The hydrodynamic forecast includes high frequency processes of paramount importance to characterize regional scale marine processes: tidal forcing, surges and high frequency atmospheric forcing, fresh water river discharge, wave forcing in forecast, etc. A weekly update of IBI downscaled analysis is also delivered as historic IBI best estimates. The product offers 3D daily and monthly ocean fields, as well as hourly mean and 15-minute instantaneous values for some surface variables. Daily and monthly averages of 3D Temperature, 3D Salinity, 3D Zonal and Meridional Velocity components, Mix Layer Depth, Sea Bottom Temperature and Sea Surface Height are provided. Additionally, hourly means of surface fields for variables such as Sea Surface Height, Mix Layer Depth, Surface Temperature and Currents, together with Barotropic Velocities are delivered. Finally, 15-minute instantaneous values of Sea Surface Height and Currents are also given. '''Product Citation''': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products.[] '''DOI (Product)''':

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operational and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the '''North Atlantic''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the ESA-CCI reflectance inputs. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP, OLCI-S3A & OLCI-S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''""olci""''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL''') and Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''monthly'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km''' (multi) or '''300 meters''' (olci). * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find these products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""ESA-CCI""'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, distributes Remote Sensing Reflectances (Rrs), and diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (kd490) for multi-sensor (MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS, Sentinel3A-OLCI at 300m of resolution) (at 1 km resolution) and Sentinel3A-OLCI observations (at 300m resolution). Exclusively for multi-sensor also the absorption of phytoplankton (aph443), Gelbstoff material (adg443), and the particulate backscattering (bbp443) coefficients at 443 nm are provided. Rrs is defined as the ratio of upwelling radiance and downwelling irradiance at any wavelength (412, 443, 490, 555, and 670 nm for multi-sensor, and 400, 412, 443, 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 674, 681 and 709 nm for OLCI) and can also be expressed as the ratio of normalized water leaving Radiance (nLw) and the extra-terrestrial solar irradiance (F0). Kd490 is defined as the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm, and is a measure of the turbidity of the water column. It is related to the presence of scattering particles via the ratio between Rrs at 490 and 555 nm (490 and 560 nm for OLCI). For multi-sensor observations Kd490 is achieved via Mediterranean regional algorithm developed by GOS on the basis of MedBiOp in situ dataset (Volpe et al., 2019). The current day data temporal consistency is evaluated as Quality Index (QI): QI=(CurrentDataPixel-ClimatologyDataPixel)/STDDataPixel where QI is the difference between current data and the relevant climatological field as a signed multiple of climatological standard deviations (STDDataPixel). Inherent Optical Properties (aph443, adg443 and bbp443 at 443nm) are derived via QAAv6 model. '''Processing information:''' Multi-sensor products are constituted by MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS and Sentinel3A-OLCI. For consistency with NASA L2 dataset, BRDF correction was applied to Sentinel3A-OLCI prior to band shifting and multi sensor merging. Hence, the single sensor OLCI data set is also distributed after BRDF correction. Single sensor NASA Level-2 data are destriped and then all Level-2 data are remapped at 1 km spatial resolution (300m for Sentinel3A-OLCI) using cylindrical equirectangular projection. Afterwards, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Rome). Then geophysical fields (i.e. chlorophyll, kd490, bbp, aph and adg) are estimated via state-of-the-art algorithms for better product quality. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names :''' *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs412_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs443_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs490_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs510_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs555_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-rrs670_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-kd490_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-bbp443_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-adg443_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l3-aph443_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs400_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs412_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs443_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs490_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs510_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs560_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs620_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs665_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs674_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs681_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-rrs709_300m_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l3-kd490_300m_daily-rt-v02 '''Files format:''' *CF-1.4 *INSPIRE compliant '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite gridded Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean. The SLA is estimated by Optimal Interpolation, merging the L3 along-track measurement from the different altimeter missions available. Part of the processing is fitted to the Global ocean. (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (i.e. Absolute Dynamic Topography and geostrophic currents (absolute and anomalies)). It serves in delayed-time applications. This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' The IBI-MFC provides a high-resolution wave analysis and forecast product (run twice a day by Nologin with the support of CESGA in terms of supercomputing resources), covering the European waters, and more specifically the Iberia–Biscay–Ireland (IBI) area. The last 2 years before now (historic best estimates), as well as hourly instantaneous forecasts with a horizon of up to 10 days (updated on a daily basis) are available on the catalogue. The IBI wave model system is based on the MFWAM model and runs on a grid of 5 km of horizontal resolution forced with the ECMWF hourly wind data. The system assimilates significant wave height (SWH) altimeter data and CFOSAT wave spectral data (supplied by Météo-France), and it is forced by currents provided by the IBI ocean circulation system. The product offers hourly instantaneous fields of different wave parameters, including Wave Height, Period and Direction for total spectrum; fields of Wind Wave (or wind sea), Primary Swell Wave and Secondary Swell for partitioned wave spectra; and the highest wave variables, such as maximum crest height and maximum crest-to-trough height. Additionally, the IBI wave system is set up to provide internally some key parameters adequate to be used as forcing in the IBI NEMO ocean model forecast run. '''Product Citation''': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products.[] '''DOI (Product)''':

  • '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite gridded Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean. The SLA is estimated by Optimal Interpolation, merging the measurement from the different altimeter missions available (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (i.e. Absolute Dynamic Topography and geostrophic currents (absolute and anomalies)). This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. It serves in near-real time the main operational oceanography and climate forecasting centers in Europe and worldwide. It processes data from all altimeter missions: Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, HY-2A, Saral/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, Jason-2, Jason-1, T/P, ENVISAT, GFO, ERS1/2. It provides a consistent and homogeneous catalogue of products for varied applications, both for near real time applications and offline studies. To produce maps of Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) and Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT) in delayed-time (REPROCESSED), the system uses the along-track altimeter missions from products called SEALEVEL*_PHY_L3_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_*. Finally an Optimal Interpolation is made merging all the flying satellites in order to compute gridded SLA and ADT. The geostrophic currents are derived from sla (geostrophic velocities anomalies, ugosa and vgosa variables) and from adt (absolute geostrophic velicities, ugos and vgos variables). Note that the gridded products can be visualized on the LAS (Live Access Data) Aviso+ web page ( [])