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  • The acoustic tomography approach provides an indirect measure of the temperature of an ocean volume. The technique provides an integrated measure of temperature along the sound propagation paths. The variety of paths between a transmitter and a receiver, as well as the large number of instruments deliver information on the variability of the thermal content of the insonified volume.

  • The RAFOS float technique (the reverse acronym of SOund Fixing And Ranging) is used to obtain sub-surface trajectories of floats by acoustic location. These floats are immersed at a constant depth and drift with the body of water in which they are immersed. The floats record the arrival time of the sound signals emitted by a network of fixed acoustic sources placed on moorings. They regularly come to the surface to transmit the data that they have recorded.

  • A world deep displacement dataset, named ANDRO, after a traditional dance of Brittany meaning a swirl, comprising more than 1300 000 deep displacements, has been produced from the Argo float trajectory data ('traj' files). ANDRO dataset was completed over the period 2000-2009, then was partially but yearly updated since 2010. For detailed information and status of the last released ANDRO product, please visit the dedicated Argo France web page: One important feature of ANDRO is that the pressures measured during float drifts at depth, and suitably averaged are preserved in ANDRO. To reach this goal, it was necessary to reprocess most of the Argo raw data, because of the many different decoding versions (roughly 100) not always applied by the DACs to the displacement data because they were mainly interested in the p,t,S profiles. The result of our work was the production of comprehensive files, named DEP (for 'déplacement' in French), containing all the possibly retrievable float data.

  • Raw seismic reflexion data collected on board of the French oceanographic fleet managed by IFREMER and archived at SISMER.

  • La Flotte océanographique française regroupe une panoplie de navires de recherche, d'engins sous-marins et d'équipements mobiles, lui donnant accès à tous les océans et mers du globe, hors zone polaire : - quatre navires hauturiers (Marion Dufresne, Pourquoi pas ?, L'Atalante, Thalassa) capables de réaliser des campagnes océanographiques sur tous les océans (hors zones polaires) ; - deux navires semi-hauturiers (Antea et Alis) réalisant des missions océanographiques de physique, chimie, halieutique, d'exploration de la colonne d'eau et de cartographie sous-marine. Ces navires opèrent en Méditérannée, dans l'océan Indien et Tropical atlantique, dans le Pacifique Sud-ouest et en Outre-mer ; - cinq navires côtiers (L'Europe, Thalia, Côtes de la Manche, Tethys II et Haliotis) utilisés en Manche-Atlantique et en Méditerranée pour des campagnes scientifiques nombreuses et variées avec une capacité à assurer un continuum de moyens entre le littoral et le hauturier ; - sept navires de station, pouvant des sorties de la journée à trois jours, pour les plus récents, répartis sur les façades maritimes métropolitaines : Antedon II (Marseille), Sepia II (Wimereux), Nereis (Port-Vendres), Neomysis (Roscoff), Albert Lucas (Brest), Planula IV (Arcachon), Sagitta III (Nice). On peut connaître leur position en temps réel sur le site de la Flotte océanographique française. Un service de visualisation web WMS est également disponible.

  • The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. The ISAS-SSS configuration provide Sea Surface Salinity gridded fields from in-situ measurements including Argo, Moorings, Marine Mammals, GOSUD Thermosalinometer SSS measurements from delayed mode SNO-SSS merchant ships (, French research vessels ( and sails ( A careful delayed mode processing of the 2002-2015 dataset has been carried out using version 7 of ISAS and updating the statistics to produce the ISAS-15 analysis. The ISAS-SSS fields appears as highly valuable for the "calibration and validation" of the new satellite observations delivered by SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP.

  • The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. Since the first global re-analysis performed in 2009, the system has been extended to accommodate all types of vertical profile as well as time series. ISAS gridded fields are entirely based on in-situ measurements. The system aims at monitoring the time evolution of ocean properties for climatological studies and allowing easy computation of climate indices. A careful delayed mode processing of the 2002-2015 dataset has been carried out using version 7 of ISAS and updating the statistics to produce the ISAS-15 analysis.

  • The national observation network for the blue mussel (MYTILOBS), set up in 2012, aims to monitor the growth and mortality of mussels produced for the market. The MYTILOBS is based on the experience of the regional network (REMOULA) which has been monitoring the growth of the blue mussel in the Charentais inlet since 2000. Monitoring mainly takes place the year following the year of capture: it thus integrates the main seasons of the biological life of the mussel, from winter maturation to spring growth, then to summer and fall fattening, the two periods when they are mainly sold. The choice of monitoring sites was decided in consultation between the Regional Environmental Resource Laboratories and the industry. For North Brittany, this is the site of Vivier-sur-Mer in (the sector of) the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (mussel poles). Each breeding site is monitored every three months. Many parameters are measured including mussel size, weight and mortality. These data are examined taking into account environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity or the abundance and richness of the microalgae on which the shellfish feed. The Mytilobs national network is located in the main mussel-breeding regions of the Atlantic coast: Normandy, North Brittany, South Brittany, Pays de Loire and Poitou-Charentes. The sites of Agon (West Cotentin), Vivier (the bay of Mont Saint-Michel), Pont Mahe (Vilaine bay), Aiguillon (Breton inlet), Yves (Pertuis d’Antioche strait) representing, from north to south, mussel culture using poles. The Filiere site (Pertuis Breton - strait) represents mussels culture using ropes, in full water.

  • Raw underway marine gravity data from the French civil Research vessels and archived at SISMER (IFREMER)

  • Localisation of marine geological and biological samples, stored in the biology and geology ocean database managed by IFREMER (BIGOOD, BIology and GeOlogy Ocean Database).